John's Photos

From My Camera's Eye

We tend to photograph "things" (people, animals, birds, plants, structures, landscapes,etc.). This thing and that thing demand our attention and become obvious subjects for our photographs. We're always pointing our cameras at "things". Sometimes, however, the space around something can be as interesting as the thing itself.  We all see the world differently!

I am dedicated to the preservation of the cultural heritage of Lake County Illinois, our state and surrounding states. Presently, I am working hard to make part of my website a comprehensive virtual library that documents the county's agricultural history farm-by-farm in pictures and text. My goal is to make the farm life and heritage of the county come alive to a diverse audience and provide a valuable resource to educators, preservationists, genealogists, families, historical societies, and other organized groups.

I have five free presentations covering diffentation areas of Lake County, IL.

In addition, I am presenting photographs of the exterior and interior of many of the local house-museums in the greater Chicago area. Many of these homes were once residents of many of the prominent citizens. Some are completely furnished with family’s original furniture and processions.  Take a Set-Back-In-Time by viewing the slideshows and visiting the museums. Currently, I only have six links due to a lack of time. In 2025, I will have an hour long free presentation covering all 17 house museums.

Please visit the “Projects” section.  Many of the slideshows are a work in progress.

Personal & Family
Under the "Personal" tab are links to my wife's and my days in New Mexico, my Hometown of Shelbyville, IN, and all the year end Family Newsletters since 1996 that I use to share my life outside of photography.